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Monday, April 27, 2015

Why Cat is Important to Africans

Cats are very important to Africans in a different perspective. This due to the fact that cat consumes rodents such as rats, mice, lizards, etc. These rodents usually when they find their ways into one's room, can destroy household property and could equally introduce disease if  coming in contact with food/food items. With the reasons mentioned above, that makes Africans cats to be domestically friendly.
It is worth knowing that Africans do not play with domestic animals unlike European and American countries. They do not pet their animals rather pursue them if they suddenly have an access to their bedrooms and other places restricted to them.

Cats are also important considering man's consumption. However, 80% of African cats are raised for the purpose of tackling and eradication of rodents in an environment. Other percentage raised is for consumption purpose. This therefore implies that in African countries it is very rear for one to purchase cats mainly for consumption although they test just like chicken but not priority as table food in Africa.

Origin of Real African Cat Names

Cats in Africa just like dogs are regarded as domestic animals. They live with humans and most of them eat what man eats as part of their meal apart from other living creature they kill and eat. Most African countries derive their cat names based on their language being related to lion. It should be noted that cat resembles lion in all round nature and characters. In Nigeria, cat name is derived from the fact that lion is regarded as the mother of all cats due to its nature and this is why cat names are called in local languages attached to lion. Some also gave name according to the sound that cat makes whenever it is angry or during when it might be resisting an attack.